Siamese Locked Nests – Stewart Coffin design
1 December 2008Sold out 2008 Limited Edition Set of 30. Original Price: AU$235.00 Stewart Coffin wrote in “Geometric Puzzle Design” that assembling a cluster of separate hexagonal…
The object of the puzzle is to assemble the six plated end pieces (shaped like “L”) into the six piece burr.
When working on another project Frans noticed that the principle of adding a ‘plate’ to the end of the pieces was an interesting variation on the standard six piece burr. As a result, he created this puzzle which is the highest level burr of this type with notchable pieces. Will the piece around the end drive you around the bend?
Puzzle pieces made from Queensland Silver Ash with Queensland Blackbean ends. Size: 80mm x 80mm x 80mm (pieces made from 20mm x 20mm stock)