Hollow Cross 6 piece interlocking puzzle
1 December 2005Sold Out 2005 Limited Edition set of 30. Original Price: AU$250.00 Despite making a number of Russian designed puzzles over the years, Brian’s Russian has…
The Burrliner Kruse is a 12 piece plated burr based on the Altekruse type burrs.
The puzzle is a completely new design by Junichi Yananose, who took his inspiration from the original and well-known Altekruse Puzzle. It was a ‘by-product’ of the analysis he did to create the Windmill Burr that we made in the 2010 Limited Edition series.
You can choose to have the burr sent assembled or apart. It’s challenging to take apart (Level 4-2-3) but receiving it in pieces really makes it more tricky. If you’re comfortable doing burrs this is still difficult but doable (and it comes with a very detailed printed solution if you get really stuck).
Junichi originally named it New Altekruse Type 04 but Karst named the puzzle as a reference to the historical inventor William Altekruse and to the International Puzzle Party in Berlin.
William Altekruse came to the United States as a young man in 1844 with his three brothers to escape being drafted into the German army. The Altekruse family was of Austrian-German origin and, curiously, the name means “old cross” in German, which has led some authors to incorrectly assume that it was a pseudonym. In 1890 William Altekruse was granted a US Patent (#430502) for a symmetrical 12-piece burr puzzle, which became famous as the Altekruse Puzzle.
The puzzle is made from Australian Rose Alder. Size: 100mm x 100mm x 100mm