A fun set of disentanglement puzzles to stand on the bar.
23 August 2015These 5 metal puzzles on a wooden stand will confound and confuse your friends when you have them over for a beer! Plenty of puzzling…
In the past couple of years Brian has been using 10mm Shinkolite continuous cast acrylic sheet to make very complex burrs. Many of them are burrs that would never get make from wood; too many glue joints to be stable; too many strange shaped pieces to make from wood; small runs so it’s not economic to tool up to mass produce from other materials. So, an alternative economic method to bring some interesting and different burrs to you, often very, very difficult ones, from a range of designers from around the world.
But oh!!!!! how hard it is to photograph them to show their real beauty!!!! I’ve tried a dark background so I hope that works:)
A great example of this is the Fallingwater Burr. Made for the International Puzzle Party (IPP) 34 designed by Junichi Yananose here at Mr Puzzle. Rated 9/10 for difficulty. https://www.mrpuzzle.com.au/fallingwater-burr/
Other great examples are these three released for IPP35 in August 2016
Holey 6 Board Burr II. Very difficult designed by Junichi Yananose. https://www.mrpuzzle.com.au/holey-6-board-burr-ii-2/
Dwarf Planet D designed by William Hu https://www.mrpuzzle.com.au/dwarf-planet-burr-puzzle/
Double Image designed by William Hu https://www.mrpuzzle.com.au/double-image-puzzle/