Decemburr 12 piece multiple move burr Standard
18 January 2003Made in January 2000, January 2003 and January 2006. 1000 made. All sold. Original Price: AU$60.00 Craftsman Range puzzle also made. There is an interesting…
Designed by Bill Cutler in 1983 this 14 piece rectilinear burr is still seen as a brilliant design today. Bill described this third puzzle in the series of four as the “best of the Wausau series”.
It’s been out of stock for a while but Brian and Juno have completed the last batch available this week.
The burr showcases three contrasting Australian hardwoods: Queensland Silver Ash, Queensland Blackbean and Saffron Heart. Saffron Heart is a rare tree restricted to sub-tropical rainforest areas in Queensland. It is a very dense wood with a striking, golden/yellow colour.